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Embracing Print With a Clean Conscience

Kevin Deveau | Ariva | Branch Manager
While digital media may appear to make the marketing world go round, paper is very much alive and well, and so is Canadian forest management. Want proof?

Canada has more than 160 million hectares of certified forests; that’s 43% of the globe’s total. Plus, Canada recycles almost 70% of its paper and cardboard, making it one of the top paper recycling countries in the world1.

So, what’s all this talk of paper manufacturing destroying forests? It’s misleading, that’s what it is. Do your homework and you’ll learn that certified paper production actually supports sustainable forest management.

Think electronic communication is more environmentally friendly? Think again. It takes a whole lot of power to charge and run the computers, tablets and smartphones we use on a daily basis, not to mention the servers that feed them.

Don’t get us wrong. We’re not saying digital tools ought to be abandoned. We’re simply advocating a healthy media mix – and a healthy mix includes print.

First and foremost, print is tried, tested and trusted. Research conducted in 20152 found that 56% of those surveyed consider print marketing to be the most trustworthy, and 69% wouldn’t choose to conduct business with a company that doesn’t offer a printed bill option.

Secondly, paper quality has been proven to influence communications and actually empower brands to position themselves as leaders. In fact, a 2015 study3 found that when people viewed a company on high-quality coated paper they were more likely to have a positive first impression than when they viewed it on low-quality paper or on a website, and they were more likely to recommend that company to a friend or colleague.

So you care about building your brand and your profits, but you strive to be socially responsible. Don’t worry. You can do both. Simply look for certified paper manufactured by companies with a solid track record in environmental and social policy. They’re key to embracing the power of print as well as a clean conscience in an era of environmental concern.

  3. Davenport & Eagleman

Kevin has been in the paper industry for over twenty-five years and is currently the Dartmouth Branch Manager for Ariva. Responsible for sales and distribution in the Maritime provinces, Kevin has been a lifelong Halifax resident.
